Our "Wine Club" isn't much of a Club.
It is A Family.
Let me explain.

Clubs are dumb,

Welcome to Saarloos and Sons' Spring allocation movie, a heartfelt tribute to the wines and the family behind them. Join us as we delve into the stories of three exceptional wines: Mom Grenache Blanc, Dad Mourvedre, and the 19Seventy2 proprietary Syrah Cabernet Blend. In this Allocation Film, I explore the origins of these wines, each named after a beloved member of our family. Mom Grenache Blanc embodies the grace and vibrancy of our matriarch, while Dad Mourvedre reflects the strength and character of our patriarch we lost 4 years ago. And Finally the 19Seventy2, a blend that celebrates the remarkable milestone of 50 years of marriage between our parents. As we sip and savor each glass, we invite you to join us on a journey of remembrance and celebration. Hear the stories behind the vines, the memories that inspired each label, and the love that infuses every drop. This isn't just about wine; it's about honoring our heritage and the enduring bond of family. So pour yourself a glass, settle in, and let the essence of Saarloos and Sons envelop you. Here's to Mom, Dad, and 50 years of love, captured in every sip of our Spring allocation wines. Cheers!

Clubs charge you money and give you something less in return. We are a member of a bunch of "wine clubs" and I always feel let down when I receive our wine. Usually it is what they have the most of, and they give me a discount. Umm.. Thank you?
I feel like that kid that  "kind of" got what they wanted for christmas.... 

So we decided not to do that.  - Ever. 

We want to be that cool uncle that gives you the cooler version of what you wanted for christmas. 
You want a Red Rider BB Gun?
Ok, you get the one with the scope and night vision.
You wanted a puppy?
Here is a Lion

What we have here is a Family, and Family Comes First. 

So when you sign up to be in our family, we pull your wine out of stock for the entire year.  It is allocated for  you. Then we hold it off to the side and it waits. FOR YOU, and ONLY YOU. We do everything short of tagging your name on every bottle in sharpie. Its yours, It is just waiting for you...
Yea people will try to buy it out from under you, and they will fail. 
As far as everyone outside the family is concerned, we are SOLD OUT.
Seriously, even though it is selling for a higher price in the tasting room than you are receiving it for we won't sell it.
Why you ask?
Because it is yours. 
Because you took a shot on a little family wine "company" and said. 
You said, "I like your wine, I like that you are farming all of these grapes yourselves, and that you may not be the greatest winemakers in the world but you aren't screwing it up, that you are desperately passionate about the wines you are creating, that I want to take this bottle of wine that you farmed over 3 years ago and drink it with my Wife/Dad/Mom/Son/Daughter/Bestfriend/someone I love and feel closer to them, that points are bullshit and passion matters, that wine is good and fun and is bottles of love and joy.....

Thats why we will protect your wines from the masses, Just for you.  
That's why we don't sell in stores and that there are no discounts, 
We don't charge you for it until it is shipping. 
We let you know a few weeks before it ships
and then we send you a movie about what you are getting.
The last Allocation had over $200 worth of wine in it and cost $115.

Under Promise and Over Deliver -
That is how Grandpa raised us.
Click THE 3 6 or 12 to become part of the family...

oh if you pick 12...  we name a row after you.