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Sold Out - Told you to Buy it when You had the Chance.



Estate Grown
El Camino Real
Santa Ynez Valley AVA
2018 | Picked by Family
2020 | Put to Bottle
2020 - 2036 | Enjoy

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Photo Cash Saarloos - Top -Brady Saarloos - Bottom

Mayhem and Mischief - Aka the Saarloos boys - when my mom sees these two she only sees my brother and I. They are what you hope brothers will be. All the comradery and none of the punching in the face. The moment they see each other they are inseparable, they sit together, they walk together, they sleep next to each other, they talk nonstop, I've never really seen anything like it. They have some sort of secret only they know. Look at their eyes and their smiles. They have the world in a choke hold. I am glad they have each other. I feel like they are going to need each other. Brothers are forever. 
They may be a few late night phonecalls in me and my brothers future. Mayhem and Mischief, the Saarloos Boys. 
These two make naming wines easy.

The Last Time I Bottled Wine With my Father.

Mischief + Mayhem. We bottled an unreasonable amount of wine with half the people we normally would. Wearing masks my mother made last night. No one budged. Hands moved fast and there was not one complaint. Our Quaranteam worked harder than any group I have ever seen. My Father affixed labels of his grandsons with gentle and tender care as thousands of their faces rolled off the line. He kept saying “those are my grandsons” - when it was all said and done I picked up these two bottles and said. I remember this day. I remember where we were when I took this photo. We were in Paris. My entire family both in blood and friendship were there. I remember what color shirt my father had on. How we are lunch in a little chicken restaurant The Michelin rated chef-owned. How they stayed open for us and we were the only people there.... How we walked into a church on the top of the hill and heard the choir sing. How we walked and had the artist draw portraits of our children. How we drank and laid in a swing in a speakeasy in the basement garden of a hotel my wife knew and how my daughter sang to us all as we watched the lights of the Eiffel Tower skip across the river as we went to our home. I took these photos as we turned the corner as the boys mugged. How I drew our family name across my brother’s son at lunch. I remember how it smelled and how the heat hung in the air. Today we took our work of the field and bottled it. I called my brother and we cried as we talked about that day. I called my wife and thanked her for making me go on that trip. Years of work now reside in that bottle affixed with the memory of that day. Today was one of the best days of my life. Today was a work fight and we won. We are not an extraordinary family. We are average at best. We just love each other, we enjoy hard work, and we just don’t believe that there isn’t anything that can stop us when we begin to move in a direction together. If there is anything to learn during this great pause we are all in is that we must remember the good in all things, be grateful for our work and that when it is over we must be consumed by optimism. Thank you for letting us work for you.

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The Last Time I Bottled Wine With my Father

The Last Time I Bottled Wine With my Father