THE PORT | Fortified Wine | From Our First Harvest | VINTAGE MASHUP

Sold Out - Told you to Buy it when You had the Chance.

THE PORT | Fortified Wine | From Our First Harvest | VINTAGE MASHUP


100% Estate Grown
Fortified Wine

Previous Releases
Lionhart - $250
MERCY - $325.
No Quarter - $250
Black Flag - $500
Ten Years at Sea - $368
Dark Seas - $375
Man O’War $450

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We Found some Older Vintages of our WORLD FAMOUS PORT.
Every order will come from a Grab Bag of These Older Vintages.
You Pay the Price You See.
See Older Vintage Current Street Price Below.


The Ports We Have Released over the Years : 
Previous Releases
Lionhart - $250
MERCY - $325.
No Quarter - $250
Black Flag - $500
Ten Years at Sea - $368
Dark Seas - $375
Man O’War $450

(all are selling from $250 - $500 per bottle)

The Port | From our First Harvest | Papa

- My father drank port the way a trucker eats a piece of free pie at a diner. He poured into his “communion glasses.” Glass so thin that you swore you cut your lips on them. 

He would rip into the cork, pull it out hard and pour it fast.  Even if you didn’t want some, if Pop was holding the bottle, you were going to have some. 

Then, he would tell me that he remembers picking these grapes, what exact part of the vineyard they were from, what the day was like, and all of a sudden he would say to me… “you were there!” 

Yea, Pop I was there, This was actually my story.
But when Pop remembered a story, it became, His Story.

By the time this part would happen,
We would be smoking cigars by now, outside, in the dark. 

He would most likely ask mom for something chocolate, halfway through rolling through another story, and my brother would be fighting him back to the plot of his story trying to keep him to stay on track..

Then he would pour some more port into whatever glass he had in front of him, and into your glass.

Take a big pull, smack his lips, and say “that’s soooo good” after every sip. 

Munching on chocolate and smoking his cigar way past the band. 

When I think of this wine,

I think of My Pop. 

How it just feels like you are smoking life way past the band,

you are scraping the plate, you are licking the bowl. 

You are absolutely squeezing every last ounce of life.
Telling stories too fast to your two boys, that they already know the ending too…. Just excitement of being together.

Living all the way. 

Drink this the way Pop did. 

Like a Damn Legend.

I put it up on the site today. 

Take it all. 


But we have been patiently waiting to release this one.

You rarely think you are making history while you are making it.
But I remember the day we picked this wine. It was just me and my dad down in the Ballard Block on Windmill Ranch. I even remember what we were talking about. A PORT,

THIS port and how unbelievable it would be to drink it a Decade from now…. 

When I stop to think about how much life has changed in the last 20 years I am buckled at the knees. I held this bottle in my hands and thought of the last 20 years and what has taken place. I was reminded of the Naive Enthusiasm and the crushing self-doubt. Running headstrong into things we had no business doing and having to learn what and how to do it along the way.  The long nights and freezing mornings. The months of harvests and all of the people we have met and become friends and Family with.

I am humbled by the passage of time. 

And all the while this wine was sitting quietly. 
Waiting for this day. 
Waiting to be shared.

It is odd how every day we go through life it feels like nothing has changed, and when you look back over the last decade and it seems that Everything Has. 

Getting to hold 20 years in your hands is a rare gift. 
I am honored to share it with You.
Please share it with someone you love.
Make some History.

To the Next Decade.

Honor + Prepare
